Around the year 2000, we set a goal to ‘treat the cause rather than the symptoms’ of illness.  For years this goal appeared to be totally out of reach, if not impossible.  So we added a further goal, being: ‘the greatest gift for our children that we could possibly provide is to enable for them to grow up without fear’.

Around the middle of 2009 the way to both of these goals become visible to us. 

The medical community, worldwide, appears to focus upon the physical body to the exclusion of all else.  The reality is that it is the disharmonies that we harbour that generate disturbances within our being that ultimately manifests in the form of discomfort, then pain, and then illnesses in our physical body.  No, or very little, attention is applied to the upsets that we hold, much of these negative issues having been held within our bodies since our early childhood.

Since 2009 we have explored the initiatives of various health carers who have recognised what we have been searching and investigating.  Further, we have come to understand why these health carers have been able to bring together their processes and to be enormously affective in their assistance to friends and patients who have a degree of faith in their endeavours.

In July 2009 we were introduced to an incredible work of communication.  This communication achievement had been under development for centuries.  The scenario requires the uniqueness of an open mind, a very positive soul condition, and the presence of Divine Love.  The starting point was the connecting up with one such person to start the process of downloading profound information from the Celestial Realms.  This started in 1914 through to 1923 with James Padgett.  A student of this original material, Dr Daniel Samuels, continued this process between 1954 to 1963, then followed the Judas of Kerioth messages between 2001 to 2003.  Students of all these materials have now resulted in multiple avenues, still only a few, being able to continue with receiving these teachings.  The Richard Messages started in 2012, and are still continuing, and also The Divine Universe messages from 2012 to 2013.  Now, further material is being received for publishing, adding to the details.

When you absorb these teachings, whilst requesting and receiving Divine Love, incredible changes and abilities will slowly come to you.

“For those who read these words, I say, imagine that one of us is with you as you read.  Imagine that we are there to aid you and to clarify points on which you are not clear.  Ask us your questions and they will be answered.  You may hear words or may feel that your understanding of the passage in question has suddenly changed.  Your imaging is solely to connect you with the reality of the situation that actually exists for you will be accompanied and your hand will metaphorically be held and if this process takes you a fraction closer to that reality then our work is well done as you will be feeling change in your life.  When you know that we are with you at all times your life will change continuously.” 

Richard from the Celestials  31 July 2013

Thus, from these materials and the health care practice modalities that have been introduced via Celestial Spirits, we can clearly share with you the way to ‘treat the cause rather than the symptoms’, and in turn you will be assisted in how to ‘bring up children without fear’.  This we now freely share with you in the many document downloads that you are, in turn, invited to share freely as you please.

The flow of information started with one person, that person was searched for over hundreds of years.  Once the knowledge of the availability of Divine Love was again made available, having been lost to humanity by the 3rd century after being introduced during the 1st century, now others are beginning to realise its qualities and availability.  As more and more people receive Divine Love, the channels for more and greater teachings are opening up.