Entry to a clinic is via PASCAS CAFÉ which is an educational unit in nutrition, new technologies and the construct of spiritual wellbeing as being relevant to everyone’s long term health.
Generally speaking, the Clinic will appear to be much the same as any other clinic.
The Day Care treatment facility within each clinic is designed to deal with some major life threatening illness such as HIV / AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. These programs may involve patients who will participate in programs twice a week for up to twelve weeks. During this involvement, much will be provided to support them including the dissemination of information which is essentially structured to remove fear (such as fear of death) and reduce real or perceived boundaries as well as introduce life support skills.
As a result of the treatment modalities, there will be a need to introduce to some emerging communities and economies, new ways of job involvement and industries that lift standards of living. This will be made available via the education and training facilities associated with Pascas Café.
Utilising ozone technologies and edible vaccines, cost of treatments are significantly reduced as well as dependence on the use of drugs is achievable. Each clinic may be able to assist up to 7,000 HIV / AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria patients per annum. At the end of the first five years of establishing the centres, this number grows to a sustainable capacity of 28,000,000 patients per annum.
Research will underpin all treatments, education and care under the PASCAS umbrella to:
- Validate holistic efficacy of treatments, educational pathways or clinical sequelae.
- Monitor and improve practices / methodologies.
- Help identify previously unidentified / unmet needs.
- Validate assessments, implementations and planning.
The discernment of nutrition is a core agenda of PASCAS CAFÉ.
CATs is the administration team, to make available technologies that are appropriate to achieve clean air, clean water, housing, and nutritious food. These technologies will create greater employment and economic sustainability within the communities where Pascas will establish itself. It is the Pascas Care Centre that will be the hub for introducing these opportunities.
URTh administration team is a professional consulting group or groups who have specialised in re-establishing or growing the infrastructure and economies of emerging communities. They are nation builders.